"Modern Holocaust" - Ugly Cunt Records 2009 - CD
"Del terroir" - Ozky Records 2009 - CD-r
"Dopo ore di silenzio" - Alampo Records 2010 - CD-r
"Nato avulso" - Silent Novels Records 2010 - CD-r
"Scatology" - Custom Body Records 2010 - CD-r
"Non tornare mai alla luce" - Puzzle Records 2010 - Tape
"Cose di Nessuno" - Striate Cortex Records 2010 - CD-r
"Magus Nero" - Sarutra's Music 2011 - CD-r
"Gli anni passati da solo non saranno mai restituiti - Scorze Records 2011 - CD-r
"L.C.B. (2008 - 2011)" - Coreback Records 2011 - Net Release
"Lavoro in pelle" - GRCCN 2011 - Net Release
"L.C.B. (2008 - 2011) parte seconda" - Spettro Records 2012 - Net Release
"Impuro" - Makabre Sinister Kabaret Production 2012 - CD-r
"Dissection" - Santos Productions 2012 - Tape
"Mattatoio a conduzione singola" - Turbinicarpus Records 2012 - CD-r
"Necrocinesi" - Fields of Tears Productions 2012 - CD-r
"Parabused" - Whispering Eye Recordings 2013 - CD
"Lavoro in pelle" - Placenta Recordings 2013 - CD-r
"Metacarnale" - Makadam Circus 2013 - CD-r
"Fucking in a Stehzelle" - Shit Noise Records 2013 - CD-r
"SanSabba" - Santos Productions 2013 - CD-r
"Cochinos" - Floppy Noise Records 2013 - Floppy Disc
"Sexduction" - Cruel Corrupt Recordings 2013 - Digital Album
"Whitethings" - Parkbench Records 2013 - Digital Album
"Flesh post Flesh" - Scorze Records, Angst 2013 - Tape
"Part of Body" - The Tourette Tapes 2013 - Tape
"Blow all" - Smell The Stench 2013 - CD-r
"Never Dry Mouth" - Burial Recordings 2013 - CD
"Come sonno nel ventre" - Murderabilia Records 2013 - CD-r
"Lust Murders - Mostro di Firenze - Maniacal Series Release" - Custom Body Records 2013 - 9 VHS Box - 18 tapes
"Blue Holocaust" - Only single copy with unreleased material; special package for a fans and collectors of L.C.B. - self released 2013 - double tapes
"Aesthetics Of A Good Pornographer" - Industrial Culture 2013 - tape
"Power Weird" - Smell The Stench 2013 - CD-r
"Privatism" - Naked Lunch Records 2014 - CD
"Sadomanticonvulsion" - Le Crepuscole du Soir 2014 - CD digipack
"Sadomanticonvulsion" - Naked Lunch Records 2014 - CD Reissue
"Modern Holocaust" - Naked Lunch Records 2014 - CD Reissue
"Ferox Forcipe - Past Six Years To Say No" -Custom Body Records 2014 - Box Set Collection, double tapes with inserts
"Pornography should not be an illusion" - Naked Lunch Records 2014 - CD Digipak (feat. Eraldo Bernocchi, Macelleria Mobile di Mezzanotte, Sshe Retina Stimulants, Wertham)
"Born" - Old Europa Cafe 2015 - CD Digipak (feat. Eraldo Bernocchi, Emidio Clementi, Caligula031, Richard Ramirez, Evitaxal, Iugulathor, Maurizio Bianchi)
"Urethra" - Custom Body Records 2014 - 7'' Vinyl
"True" - Le Cose Bianche/Macelleria Mobile di Mezzanotte - Custom Body Records 2014 - 7'' Vinyl
"Sulla superficie di un corpo" EZCATON vs L.C.B. - self released 2009 - CD-r
"Scope" Malameccanica vs L.C.B. - Ugly Cunt Records 2009 - CD
"Delere Caeli - L.C.B." - Frohike Records 2010 - CD
"Malameccanica vs L.C.B." - Underground Pollution Records 2010 - Tape
"Le cose che non volevano morire" DECRETO K vs L.C.B. - CBRecords 2010 - CD-r
"Detersivi per le nostre coscienze" Decretum kteis XI vs L.C.B. - Abandoment Label 2011 - Net Release
"Buena Vista" split with Tommaso Busatto - Plunk Noise Records 2012 - Net Release
"Arretium Ferox" split with F.L. - Puzzle Records 2012 - Tape
"L.C.B. - Adamennon - Nessuno" - Triple - Self Released 2012 - Net Release
"Sodom Communion" split with Soma - Sodoma Records 2012 - CD-r
"Poor" split with Davide Femia - Santos Prod. 2012 - CD-r
"L'Angolobuio" - co played Urna/L.C.B. - Custom Body Records 2013 - CD"Slave of A Play" - co played Le Cose Bianche/Pariah - Looney-Tick Productions 2013 - CD-r
"Zyklusters - Structural Sessions - M.B. (Maurizio Bianchi) /L.C.B. - Makadam Circus, Custom Body Records 2013 - double CD-r
"Vulnus" - co played L.C.B./Molestia Auricularum - self released 2013 - tape
"Dilatatorium" - co played Uncodified/L.C.B. - Custom Body Records 2013 - double version CD-r or tape
"Necronastro" - co played Terreni K/L.C.B. - Custom Body Records 2013 - tape
"Chrome Ti Vi Transparencies/Self Report Deaf plus "Finer" - Laxative Souls/L.C.B. - Custom Body Records 2013 - double CD-r and a single cassette tape by Laxative Souls
"Haram Wounds" - coplayed L.C.B./Svart1 - Mask of the Slave 2013 - tape
"Un'altra donna trovata nuda nei campi di mais" L.C.B. / Thysanura - Hypnopompic State 2014 - tape
"Zyklusters - Structural Sessions" - M.B. (Maurizio Bianchi) /L.C.B. - Naked Lunch Records 2014 - CD reissue
"Exhale." co played Le Cose Bianche/Lyke Wake - Custom Body Records 2014 - tape
"Caligula 031/L.C.B." - Final Muzik - 2014 - CD
"Brain Meat" - co played Maurizio Bianchi / L.C.B. - Final Muzik - 2014 - CD
"Carnaliter Development" co played Sshe Retina Stimulants/L.C.B. - Spatter Records 2015 - Double Tapes
"Contempt" co played Wertham/L.C.B. - Angst 2015 - Tape
"Tribute to the dead soldisers vol.II" - La Caverne du Dragon 2009 - CD-r
"Summer '09" - Ozky e-Sound 2009 - DVD-r
"EVA" - Ezcaton Video Artist 2010 - DVD-r
"Compilation HIN1" - Toxic Industries 2009 - CD Box
"Compilation Gatti Neri che cadono" - GRCCN - net release 2010 - Net Release
"Arte nel rumore vol. I" - Ozky e-Sound 2010- Net Release
"In einem Friedhof" - Svart Records 2010 - CD-r
"Absolute Singles Noise" - Beast Records 2011 - CD
"Noise Community, Noise Vol. I" - Zeronoize Records 2012 - Net Release
"Castration" - Sp Recordings 2012 - CD-r
"Drastic Pleasure 2" - Shinto Records 2012 - CD
"Drai Cleaer" - Unclogged" - SPRecordings 2012 - CD-r
"S.C. Free 1" - Striate Cortex Records 2013 - CD-r
"Orgia sonora VI" - Cubicolo Noise Recording 2013 - Net Release
"Spettro Records vol. I - Demise" - Spettro Records 2013 - Net Release
"Manuale di inquinamento austico" - Makadam Circus 2013 - Net Release
"(VA) Atrax Morgue: Tribute - CD1" - Dead in Mars Records 2013 - CD-r plus Free Download
"Ungern Von Sternberg Khan" TSIDMZ - Old Europa Cafè 2013 - CD digipack
"Parole (non) Dette" Morgan Ics - 2013 Digital Album
"Box Set Five Years Toxic Industries" Toxic Industries 2014 - BOXSET CD-r
"Ardat Lili" - album of SVART1 - Mask of the Slave Records 2014 - CD
"Destination Morgue VIII Compilation" - Butcher's House Prod. 2015 - CD
"Nylon Cum Series - Beautiful Anvs" - Signora Ward Records 2015 - Digital Download
"Sluts in Tangeri" - FLAGELLO IMPOSTE 2013 - DVD-r
"Vulvadrome" - Xonar 2014 - Digital Video Download
"Spell" - self released 2007 - CD-r
"Numeri Neri" - self released 2008 - CD-r